In August 2014, the Fairfax County Police Department and the Fairfax County Public School signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the roles and responsibilities of the School Resource Officers (SRO).  School Resource Officers are active Fairfax County Police Officers assigned to middle and high schools, within the county.  SROs were assigned to schools, after the…

COTC chair, Shirley Ginwright, chaired an Ad Hoc Committee to review the Resource Officer (SRO)Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).  A SRO is a sworn Fairfax County Police officer assigned to a middle or high school, to assist school administrators in maintaining safety, within their assigned school. The MOU between the Fairfax County Police Department and the…

Franconia District Police Officers met at the Witts-End Barber Shop, in Lorton, VA, for the first “Shop Talk.”  Customers engaged in conversations about sports, politics, criminal justice reform and community policing.  This was the first of many “Shop Talk” events planned in communities around the county.  In addition to great conversations, refreshments were served.  Many…

Here is a great opportunity to enhance your education and give back to the community. The NCU Diversity Matters Scholarship offers 10 recipients one class with no tuition for each class they pay for throughout the duration of their eligible program. This scholarship allows recipients to earn their degrees for half the normal cost of…

There is no better way to connect with children than with a reading program.  The Communities of Trust Committee has initiated a reading program that would include all law enforcement.  Books can be read in a child’s “native” language.  The reading program will be held at community centers, libraries, schools, churches or, wherever we get…

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) recognized the COTC by presenting it with a Partnership Plaque at the September County Board of Supervisors Meeting.  It was presented as a token of appreciation for COTC’s commitment to emergency preparednes.  Because of its leadership and dedication to their mission, OEM was able to reach vulnerable areas of…

Did you know you can track crime related incidents in your neighborhood or anonymously give a crime tip to the FCPD?  In June of 2016, the Fairfax County Police Department entered into an agreement allowing access to, a website devoted to increasing community awareness of local police-related events. provides a convenient, web-based platform…