In August 2014, the Fairfax County Police Department and the Fairfax County Public School signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the roles and responsibilities of the School Resource Officers (SRO). School Resource Officers are active Fairfax County Police Officers assigned to middle and high schools, within the county. SROs were assigned to schools, after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. After three years, and with a new school Superintendent, the MOA is being revised.
In July 2018, Chairman Sharon Bulova established the SRO Community Review Committee to review the “draft” MOA and provide comments for possible incorporation. The committee represented over 17 organizations, to include the Fairfax County Council of Parent, Teachers Associations (FCCPTA) and was chaired by Shirley Ginwright, Chairman of the Fairfax County Communities of Trust Committee. Support was provided by Dr. Braband, FCPS Superintendent and Chief Roessler, FCPD, who attended all meetings and provided a walk-through of all changes.
Although an aggressive schedule, the committee was able to review the document and provided 53 pages of comments. Dr. Braband, Fairfax County School Superintendent, stated the document will be reviewed once a year for comments, and his staff will monitor it, during the year. The MOU was approved by the Fairfax County School Board.
One of the participants, Matthew Dunne, representing the Fairfax County Council of PTAs summarized the three sessions in a commentary to the Mount Vernon Gazette. You can read it here:
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